Welcome to The Patriot
Stay ahead of the game with The Patriot, your 5-minute weekly digest of the firearm industry. In an ever-changing landscape where laws and market trends can shift overnight, staying informed is crucial.
The Patriot: Court Reinstates Partial Firearm Bans in CA & HI
A federal appeals court has partially reinstated firearm bans in California and Hawaii, allowing prohibitions in parks, playgrounds, bars, and other public spaces but rejecting
The Patriot: Illinois Concealed Carry Law Struck Down
Our August 2A Patriot video newsletter is live! Stay informed and engaged with the latest in 2A news and the firearms industry! Click here to
The Patriot: Machine Gun Ban Ruled Unconstitutional
In a recent ruling, U.S. District Judge John Broomes dismissed charges against a Kansas man for possessing a machine gun, deeming the federal ban on
The Patriot: Meet The Trident 1 Team in Fort Worth
Welcome To The Patriot The Patriot provides a 5-minute weekly digest of the firearm industry. Brought to you by Trident 1, the best-in-class, all-in-one, cloud-based
The Patriot: NYC Allows Nonresidents To Apply for Concealed Carry
Following a lawsuit by Gun Owners of America (GOA) and the Gun Owners Foundation (GOF), New York City has adopted an emergency rule allowing nonresidents
The NEW Monthly Video Recap of The Patriot Is Here!
Stay informed and engaged with the latest in 2A news and the firearms industry! Introducing our new monthly video recap series, where we’ll break down
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